Women in South African Mining Join Forces

Concerned about the future of mining in Africa, and wanting to place more women in the business, South African Women In Mining (SAWIMA) was launched in December 1999, when Ms Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, was appointed Minister of then Minerals and Energy. Shortly after herappointment, she expressed concern at the alarming absence of women in the mining industry.

Current programs:  Economic Transformation & Change Management (annually and continuously monitor & evaluate Economic Transformation & Change Management Progress in the Mining Sector)  Stakeholder Relationship Management (implement and adhere to the Stakeholder Relationship Management Matrix Model); Marketing, Advocacy, Publicity & Communications Unit/Desk (introduce Information Technology System, Multi-Media and Social Media Platforms)  SAWIMA – a Women Chamber of Mines South Africa (launch SAWIMA Women Chamber of Mines South Africa Project), SAWIMA Women Mining Skills & Enterprise Development (co-ordinate Human Capital, Investment & Business Opportunities Development for Women in Mining; Corporate Governance, Compliance & Ethical Business Practice (launch annual SAWIMA Board of Directors Development Programme and refresher courses on Responsible Directorship); SAWIMA Investments Management (produce record of all SAWIMA Investments Portfolio, and submit official Investment Certificates).

An inspirational figure for women miners is Dr. Mamphlea Ramphele who created a mining company now worth over 50 million dollars.

Dr. Mamphela RampheleWomen Entrepreneurs in Africa

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