Women Dominating Finance in Washington

YELLEN ON FED TRANSPARENCY: “Central bank independence in conducting monetary policy is considered a best practice for central banks around the world. Academic studies, I think, establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that independent central banks perform better.” What is the difference between independence and accountability?

— WARREN VERSUS YELLEN: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) grilled Yellen for not disclosing public data after a recent leak of proprietary information. Warren said during the hearing: “Apparently, there have been no consequences for the most recent leak. No action has been taken” [after a subsequent internal Fed investigation]. Hints from the US Fed effect  the markets. Do insiders get information earlier?

YELLEN SAYS NO TO CURRENCY MANIPULATION, via Vicki Needham: Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen told lawmakers on Tuesday that she would have a significant problem with adding currency manipulation provisions into global trade agreements.  “Yellen said monetary policy decisions — such as the massive stimulus programs at the Fed since the 2008 financial crisis — can affect currency exchange rates but don’t amount to currency manipulation.”  t

OBAMA, WARREN TAKE ON WALL STREET.  “For the first time in his second term, President Obama is picking a fight with Wall Street. With Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) by his side, Obama announced Monday at AARP’s Washington headquarters that he is moving ahead with new regulations on financial advisers that are vehemently opposed by the business community.”

“Obama is seizing the populist mantle as the likely 2016 Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, is coming under intense pressure to take a stand against the captains of finance. Much of that pressure is being channeled into efforts to draft Warren, a critic of Wall Street, into the presidential race.”

“Business groups lined up against the plan on Monday, warning it would radically change the industry’s payment system and make it harder for low-income Americans to obtain financial advice. The push for the new regulations on investment advisers also stirred angst among centrist Democrats.

“‘Americans are going to be shocked when the only advice they have available to them is Jim Cramer on CNBC,’ griped one Democratic financial services industry insider who works with big businesses.”I

WARREN, CUMMINGS TEAM UP, via me: “Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) blasted the new Republican Congress on Tuesday, arguing they are risking a partial shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at a time when the middle class is getting ‘hammered.’

“Warren made the remarks during an appearance on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ with Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), where they announced a new political partnership to examine economic policies to address income inequality, among other issues.

— WARREN ON ‘MORNING JOE:’ “Republicans are now in charge and what have they spent their time on? First, they wanted to spend weeks on a pipeline that would principally benefit some foreign oil company, and now they want to spend a month on shutting down Homeland Security at a time when we face terrorist threats.”

Warren Takes Off Her Gloves

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