Women and Finance at the Said Forum, Oxford

Takeaways.  Some obvious and some not to.

For more than 2,000 years, women have been excluded from the system of money. Often engaged in unpaid labour, usually barred from inheriting wealth, frequently forbidden to have bank accounts, and commonly unable to own property, women in the history of East and West have been effectively left out of the world of investment and credit. Today, the prints of past exclusion can still be seen in laws and practices of developed and developing nations.

Now, however, major institutions throughout the world are working together to create a more inclusive system to promote growth and equality. Power Shift 2014 uncovered exclusionary practices, identified effective reforms, and celebrated champions of change.

!.  Set bigger goals and you’ll surprise yourself 2.  Don’t ask friends for their opinion about your product or service. They’ll never tell you the truth. Just ask strangers.       3..  You need to meet people before you need them, so start building your network now. 4.  Never eat lunch alone; it’s an opportunity to make new connections.          5.  You’ll not be remembered for being a good business woman but you’ll be remembered for being a good mum/sister/friend etc. See yourself as a human first, and a woman second. 6.  Learn how to say No. For example: “I’m saying No to this so I can say Yes to something else.” 7.  You are what you do! Start doing more with what you have. 8.  Women need to introduce more numbers into your business plans. Men’s business plans have more numbers so they look more impressive and most of the reviewers approving the business plans at the banks are also men!       9. Ask for help. Women are notorious for not asking for help when they need it. –

We Can Do It!

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