Womanhood: Not a Piece of ‘Cake’

Cavan Sieczkowski writes about Jennifer Aniston, nominated for Best Actress in the film ‘Cake.’   “You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t,” says Aniston. Physical standards in Hollywood are skewed in Hollywood.

Aniston’s role in ‘Cake’ as a woman suffering from chronic pain and depression has already earned her Golden Globe, SAG and Critics’ Choice nominations.

While promoting the film, Aniston’s had to field questions about the “likability” of the character, a question she says “men don’t get asked.” Men in her business also don’t get regularly quizzed on marriage and kids, although those inquiries hound Aniston.

“You don’t see a lot of men getting asked: ‘Why aren’t you married? Why aren’t you having children?’ You don’t get the ‘Well, they seem to play the same thing over and over again,’ and some of them do.  We’re very much a sexist society,” she said. “Women are still not paid as much as men … I’ve been up against that in negotiations myself.”

Unlike men in Hollywood, women are faced with distorted beauty standards and unfair criticism.

Aniston said, “I really do think you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. You either are too fat — ‘Oh my God, she’s gained weight, getting chubby, mid-40s spread!’ — or ‘She’s so skeletal, get some meat on her bones!’ I’ve been on too-thin lists. I’ve been on what-happened-to-her lists.”

Jennifer Aniston

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