Will Gas Prices Continue to Fall?

Willl gas prices continue to fall? In the US, the price of crude oil makes up 67 percent of the price of gass. Oil prices have been sliding to the lowest prices in years, This is because oil production in the US is booming, Saudi Arabia is unwilling to cut back production, and demand in Asia has dropped.

ALso, during the summer, ‘summer blend gas’ is sold. It is fifteen to twenty cents more expensive than the winter blend now on sale  Summer blend is used to reduce smog when the weather is warm.

Weather has an impact, both on the amount of gas purchased and also on refineries, many of which are in hurricane areas in the US>  Taxes also vary state to state in the US, so you can pay more at the pump in a state that charges a higher tax.

But the bottom line is crude and US production is soaring, which drives prices down.

Gas Prices Falling

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