Why Did Obama Nominate Loretta Lynch to the Post of US AG?

The Attorney General in Waiting for Senate confirmation has treated big banks with kid gloves in the past. As a lawyer, her clinets were often white collar criminals from the financial industry.  She was involved in LIBOR, many issues involving subprime mortgages and also security ratings agencies.

Lynch basically got her first six years of white collar criminal defense experience working at the firm that is currently responsible for keeping the bankers behind the great subprime mortgage grift out of jail. The firm is also defending the financial institutions that jacked up interest rates on everything from student loans to home loans out of greedy self-interest. They even defended the agencies that knowingly rated worthless mortgage-backed securities as AAA, setting up millions to lose their retirement savings in a snap.

After six years of exemplary work at this law firm, Lynch walked through the revolving door to the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Eastern district of New York, which plays a major part in investigating financial crimes.   She was chief of the office’s Long Island division by 1998, and was tapped as U.S. Attorney by June of 1999, where she remained until 2001. Then, Lynch walked back through the revolving door to return to defending white collar criminals.

From 2003 to 2005, Lynch sat on the board of the New York Federal Reserve, working directly under future US Treasury secretary Geithner.

Unless some unforesenn issue arises, Lynch will survive her senate confirmation hearing. Senator Dick Durbin once referred to his chamber as overly subservient to the big banks, saying,  “They own the place.”  It is well to remember that Hillary Cinton, the presumptive democratic Presidential nominee got to know the same bankers in her husband’s administration that have continued in the Obama administration, are connected to Lynch and of course Mrs.Clinton’s favoirte Wall Street bank, Goldman Sachs.


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