What Women (Chinese) Bring to the Table


Executive Director of Renmin University National Opera Study Center and celebrated Peking Opera artist Sun Ping stressed women’s role in public diplomacy and expressed her views about public diplomacy during an interview with a Women of China reporter on March 3, 2014. 

Sun defined what she believes to be a woman’s unique role. “Women are the core of a family and take responsibility for caring for both the old and the young, and building harmonious relations in the family. If women can endeavor in promoting morality and civilization of family, serious incidents will reduce in the society because a woman’s role is irreplaceable,” explained Sun.

“We will work on making Renmin University a Think Tank of public diplomacy. By integrating domestic universities, we are hoping to create a platform. We believe the institute can provide resources for public diplomacy for the whole country. It can spread relative knowledge among college students,” said Sun.

The phrase ‘public diplomacy’ was included in Chinese President Hu Jintao’s report, delivered at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Spokesman Zhao Qizheng also outlined the diplomatic work of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the first press conference of last year’s annual session.

Renmin University of China research institute on public diplomacy was founded in Beijing on February 26, 2014.

The institute, which will be headed up by Zhao Qizheng the former director of the State Council Information Office, will consist of research teams from the School of Journalism and Communication, the School of International Studies and the Peking Opera research center of Renmin University. Executive Director of Renmin University National Opera Study Center and celebrated Peking Opera artist Sun Ping will hold the post of vice president of the institute.

Public diplomacy has become a key issue at the annual Session, and CPPCC members have all made their contributions in this respect.

Sun is active in international cultural exchange activities among different countries, and has a deep understanding of diplomatic policies and the importance of public diplomacy.

As part of her proposal, Sun reveals that she hopes Peking Opera will become an elective course in universities.

Sun concluded the interview with the comment. “As a professional woman, I usually give consideration to both my family and work. Only if you take them as main tasks to grasp can you do good work overall.”

Chinese Family

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