Understanding Clinton and Trump Finances

How does the wealth accumulation of Hillary Clinton (and her husband) and Donald Trump help us understand this election in the US?

Mr. Trump is a businessman.  It is unclear how much he is worth.  He can always argue that was wealth he accumulated as a businessman was done in a businesslike fashion.  He is a political outsider, and this is why he causes the entrenched system so many problems.

Mrs. Clinton and her husband have accumulated around $250,000,000 since Mr. Clinton left office.  No other post-president in the history of the United States has accumulated this amount of wealth.  This accumulation has occurred on the back of the Presidency.  This money is completely tied to politics.  For this reason reporter Glenn Greenwald writes that examining the source of the wealth and what is expected in return is relevant to Mrs. Clinton’s run for the office of President.

Two small samples f favors given out are relevant.  Goldman Sachs’ head Llloyd Blankenfein, created a hedge fund for Mrs. Clinton’s son-in-law and supplied him with clients.  The son-in-law bet foolishly on Greek debt and lost a great deal of money.  Goldman Sachs does not appear to care, because they have an inside track to the woman who would be America’s next President.

Trump gave $5000 to Mrs. Clinton when she was an aspiring Senator from New York.  When asked why, he said he wanted her to come with her husband to his wedding.  DId he get what he wanted?  Yes.  The Clintons came to the wedding.
