The Lagarde List in Greece

During the worst of the economic crisis in Greece, Christine Lagarde, former French Finance Minister, gave a list of 2,000 Greek tax evaders who had Swiss bank accounts.  Government officials in Greece claim to have lost the CD the list came on, and then lost the USB drive they copied it on to.  They dragged their heels for months.

In the fall of 2012, a Greek journalist got hold of the list and published it.  Fifty police officers were sent out to arrest the journalist and not the tax evaders.

Corruption has plagued Greece and helped precipitate the economic crisis.  A handful of super-rich, well-connected people own practically all the country’s TV, radio and newspapers.  They also control major banks, as well as oil, shipping and construction businesses.  Tough for the press and independent citizens to go up against.

Lagarde's List

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