Tech Companies in US Will Pay for Freezing Women Employees’ Eggs

Tech companies are offering women an opportunity to freeze their eggs so that they can defer pregnancy into their forties and fifties.  Megan McArdle comments that women have less energy for child rearing as they age.

But there is another far more important question.  While breast cancer is manageable in many occurences today, women who have had hormone therapy to enable them to become pregnant as they enter menopause seem to die more often from the disease.

Of the 185 studies on cancer and hormone therapy in the US government’s cllnical trial program, no study asks the question:  what is the occurence of untreatable cancer in women who have had fertility treatments?  In 285 studies on ‘death from breast cancer” none ask this question.

It is said that doctors treating women for infertility tell their patients that there is a risk and that women either choose to take the risk, or do not hear information which might make them question a pregnancy.  This may well be so.  But Elizabeth Edwards case is a warning.  Anecdotally, many widowers whose wives have died of breat cancer afer underoing fertility treatments have come to the same conclusion.

Are tech companies encouraging women to take uncessary risks by freezing eggs?

Freezing Eggs, A Health Hazard?

Freezing Eggs, A Health Hazard?

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