Teaching Computer Code in Kindergarten

The Israelis led the way.  The New Zealand, some German states and Australia.  The UK is coming on now, and the US, maybe.

Digital technology is now so ubiquitous that many think a rounded education requires a grounding in this subject just as much as in biology, chemistry or physics. That is one reason that the pendulum is swinging back towards teaching coding. Employers’ moans are another. The shortage of skilled programmers is clear from the high salaries they command. The shallower the pool of people who know the basics, the smaller the number of potential tech entrepreneurs. According to Judith Gal-Ezer of the Open University of Israel, who was part of the team that put computer science on the country’s high-school curriculum, a growing share of jobs in developed countries require “computational thinking”: the ability to formulate problems in such a way that they can be tackled by computers. But bosses complain that workers lack such skills—and politicians are listening. Mr Schmidt’s public criticism is credited with prodding Britain’s government into action.

Computer Coding for Elementary School Students

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