Sofia Mamalinga

sofias Sofia Mamalinga, born in Athens, studied Fine Arts & Design at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. She works as a freelancer cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer in the field of publishing and advertising. She publishes her cartoons on her Blog and on Cartoonmovement.

If you are interested in buying cartoons or drawings from  Sofia MamalingaContact Us. 



Published / Drohen tricksen wie die Griechen Europa gängeln
OceanInsomnia / published Countries Greece
“Spinning around the Economic Crisis in Greece.”Insomnia

Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfinance

Design Sofia Mamalinga

Francois Hollande visited Greece and expressed his support published

Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfinance

Design Sofia Mamalinga

Poul Thomsen, Deputy Director of the IMF’s European Department and Mission Chief for Greece, admited that the program which Greece is following for 3 years is a mistake,  based in totaly wrong predictions about recession.

Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfinance

Design Sofia Mamalinga

Our Prime Minister, A. Samaras has promised that 2013 will be the year of the shift to development!

Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfinance

Design Sofia Mamalinga

Seeking investments in Greece, the Prime Minister A, Samaras has visited Qatar.  Article published

Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfinance

Design Sofia Mamalinga


Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfinance

Design Sofia Mamalinga

The leaders of the European Union have endorsed a deal reached by their finance ministers to set up a single supervisory body for the Euro zone’s largest banks under the leadership of the European Central Bank (ECB) in 2014. After 6 years of crisis, one step!

No ending tunnel!

Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfianance

Design Sofia Mamalinga

The progress of Greek economy after 3 years of harsh austerity and memorandum.

Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfianance

Design Sofia Mamalinga


Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfinance

Design Sofia Mamalinga

How feel the Greeks, according to the last major poll conducted in Greece in December

Designed Sofia Mamalinga @wtwfinance

Design Sofia Mamalinga

1 thought on “Sofia Mamalinga

  1. Pingback: Griechenland: Die nächste Umschuldung naht | W-T-W

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