Slovenia and Croatia most corrupt in EU and beyond

Croatia, about to enter the EU, is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe according to a new survey. But Slovenia – an EU and eurozone member – is even worse and tops countries in Africa like Kenya and Nigeria.
The report is based on interviews with 3,459 company board members in 36 countries worldwide, including 20 EU member states. It asked whether businesses offer bribes to win or retain contracts or if they deliberately misstate their financial performance.

Ninety percent of people in Croatia, which is to join the EU on 1 July, said “bribery/corrupt practices happen widely in business in this country.”

The figure was 96 percent in Slovenia – which joined the EU in 2004 and which adopted the euro in 2007 – higher even than Kenya, on 94 percent.

Greece and Slovakia came next on 84 percent, followed by the Czech republic (73%), Portugal (72%), Hungary (70%), Spain (65%), Romania (61%) and Italy (60%).

The EU’s three largest economies scored much better – France was on 27 percent, Germany 30 percent and the UK 37 percent. Nordic countries Finland and Sweden came out as the least corrupt on 12 percent each.

Ernst & Young linked the results to the financial crisis. “Our survey shows that to find growth and improved performance in this environment, an alarming number appear to be comfortable with … unethical conduct.” The transition from legal to illegal activities is fluid.

The report comes amid worries that Croatia will backslide on reform after it joins the Union…EY_Corruption_7.5.13 Slovenia and Croatia most corrupt in EU

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