Sizeable Financing Gap for Women Entrepreneurs In India

AHMEDABAD: IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has released a study that finds
financial institutions meet only 27% of the financing demand of women-owned micro, small and medium enterprises in India.
The study titled Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Finance: Improving Access to Finance for Women-owned Businesses in India, undertaken by IFC in partnership with the
government of Japan, estimates that of the total financing demand of $158 billion (Indian
rupees 8.68 trillion) for women-owned businesses, formal sources are able to channel only $42 billion (Indian rupees 2.31 trillion). This leaves a significant gap of $116 billion (Indian rupees 6.42 trillion) that financial institutions can meet through products and services tailored for women entrepreneurs.
Sizeable financing gap for women entrepreneurs in India
Report:  Women-owned-business-in-India

Women owned Bussines in India

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