W-T-W Women and Finance Congratulates the Winner of the Cartoon of the Year 2019

W-T-W Women and Finance Founder Dagmar Frank announces the winner of W-T-W.org Women and Finance Cartoon of the Year.

Congratulations to Liza Donnelly for her outstanding work.

Each and every one of our cartoonists deserves a prize.  W-T-W Women and Finance is proud to publish their important and tantalizing work. From a large pool of distinguished cartoons, voters selected this year Liza Donnelly.

She is a writer and award-winning cartoonist with The New Yorker Magazine, where she has been drawing cartoons and writing about culture and politics for over thirty years.
Liza Donnelly.com
Alone we are invisible together we are invincible

Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Investigative Journalism!

European Parliament creates Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for investigative journalism.

The Bureau of the European Parliament has decided to create a prize for investigative journalism named after the murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. In its resolution of 15 November 2017, the European Parliament had for the first time called for a Daphne Prize for investigative journalism. However, the proposal had been delayed and blocked by Parliament’s Bureau for two years now.

Sven Giegold, spokesman for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in the European Parliament and co-initiator of the prize idea, explains:

“The cruel murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia has demonstrated that freedom of the press cannot be taken for granted in Europe. The prize is intended to strengthen investigative journalism and press freedom in Europe as a whole. There are problems with freedom of the press not only in Malta but also in Hungary and Poland. The importance of investigative journalism has been demonstrated by the many revelations of tax scandals in recent years. Without cross-border investigative journalism, it would hardly have been possible to uncover the Panama Papers or LuxLeaks….EU-Parlament-Daphne-Prize


Forbidden Stories: Daphne Project: the secret offshore cash of alleged mastermind of Daphne killing

Matthew Caruana Galizia:  @mcaruanagalizia

Dooa Eladl


Mord auf Malta – Der Fall Daphne Caruana Galizia

2019 EU Drug Markets Report from the EMCDDA and Europol

New report highlights wide-ranging impacts of EU drug markets on health and security.

Why gender matters in drug addiction

Europeans are spending at least EUR 30 billion on drugs each year at retail level, making the drug market a major source of income for organised crime groups in the European Union. This figure is announced today in the EU Drug Markets Report released by the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) and Europol (1). Around two-fifths of this total (39%) is spent on cannabis, 31% on cocaine, 25% on heroin and 5% on amphetamines and MDMA (2)

The two agencies have joined forces to provide their third state-of-the art overview of the European illicit drug market. The report covers trends along the supply chain from production and trafficking to distribution and sales. It describes how the drug market has wide-ranging impacts on both health and security and how a holistic approach is crucial for effective drug control policies. 

Presenting the report’s findings today, Dimitris Avramopoulos, European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship said: ‘Organised crime groups are quick to seize new opportunities for financial gain and are increasingly exploiting technological and logistical innovations to expand their activities across international borders. At the same time, drugs are now more accessible to European consumers, often via social media and the internet. Today’s report proves once again that the illicit drug market remains a threat to the health and security of our citizens. We will continue working relentlessly with our Member States and international partners on strengthening our fight against drugs in all its aspects; for our youth, our citizens, our society.’

The strategic and action-oriented analysis combines data from the EMCDDA’s drug monitoring system with Europol’s operational intelligence on organised crime. The latest data (3) show that overall drug availability within Europe remains ‘very high’ and that consumers have access to a wide variety of high-purity and high-potency products at steady, or falling, prices….Press Release

Eva Schlunke

Big Business Migrant Smuggling

Europol reports: The Polish Border Guard (Straż Graniczna) under the supervision of the regional prosecutor’ s office and supported by Europol, dismantled an organised crime group involved in migrant smuggling and facilitation of irregular migration. 

On the action day, Polish law enforcement officers arrested 17 suspected members of the criminal network, four of which believed to be the main organisers are being held in custody. During the operation, electronic devices (mobile phones, computers), paper versions of documents of the registered companies used to facilitate the illegal immigration, were seized.

Active since 2012, the organised crime group facilitated the illegal border crossing of citizens from eastern Europe, Asia and Africa mainly to Poland, to other EU countries and the United States. 

The criminal network collaborated with criminals from different countries, primarily Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, to facilitate the entry of the non-EU nationals to Poland with visas based on fake employment documentation. Once in the EU, they were able to move freely and work illegally in other EU countries, mainly Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. 

The criminal group facilitated the illegal border crossing of at least 13 019 non-EU citizens and earned more than €2.3 million from their illegal activity. 

Europol supported the investigation with analytical, operational and coordination support. During the operation, Europol deployed an expert on-the-spot to cross-check operational information in real-time against its databases and provided technical expertise for the analysis of the seized devices. Facilitation of Illegal Immigration

© Nicholson Cartoons.

Following the Drug Money


Hybrid Threat Networks Exploit Financial Markets

There are three types of hybrid warfare.

The first, often labelled as an attack on governance, uses legal means to undermine democratic liberal societies by inserting foreign influence or trying to gain financial and economic leverage over our normal democratic processes. Examples of this type of influencing are all around us: Russian television stations or news agencies and China’s 10% ownership of EU ports as well as its assertive presence in the South China Sea. To successfully respond, we have no other choice than making sure that we are working hard to assert our own democratic values and economic models. We simply need to out-communicate and outbid our adversaries.

The second type of hybrid warfare consists of the more brazen, illegal attempts to undermine and polarise our societies by sowing fear and mistrust. This is achieved by carrying out orchestrated attacks against the core elements of our social cohesion: free and fair elections, critical infrastructure and IT networks, the credibility of news and information, and the integrity of our business and financial transactions.

The third – and the most dangerous – type of hybrid warfare means using the aforementioned strategies as preparation and prelude for a military attack. This happened in Ukraine in March 2014 when Russian Special Forces, posing as “little green men”, seized the institutions, transport links, ports and communication channels of Crimea, thus preventing a Ukrainian response. While conflicts of…Friends of Europe.org
The vital role of public-private partnerships in countering hybrid threats/ Nov 2019


The Laundromat

Hollywood A-listers Steven Soderbergh and Meryl Streep have spoken out against the secrecy of tax havens and lauded the bravery of the journalists who expose corruption at the opening of Panama Papers-inspired movie, The Laundromat.

The movie, which premiered on Sunday at the Venice International Film Festival, explores the world of tax havens and complex offshore financial structures through the eyes of Panamanian lawyers Jürgen Mossack and Ramón Fonseca, played by Gary Oldman and Antonio Banderas.

Their eponymous law firm, Mossack Fonseca, was at the heart of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ 2016 Panama Papers investigation, which revealed how politicians, celebrities, criminals and the global elite obscured their wealth and conducted questionable business deals through hard-to-trace companies and tax havens. More than 350 journalists from 80 countries worked together to uncover secrets hidden in a trove of 11.5 million leaked Mossack Fonseca files…icij.org

The Laundromat | Official Trailer |

A widow (Meryl Streep) investigates an insurance fraud, chasing leads to a pair of Panama City law partners (Gary Oldman and Antonio Banderas) exploiting the world’s financial system.

“Die Geldwäscherei” – A “MUST“ For Every Woman

What is a Whistleblower?

Dooa Eladl


Transparency of Permissible Trade Supporting the Iranian People

The U.S. Departments of the Treasury and State announced a new humanitarian mechanism to ensure unprecedented transparency into humanitarian trade with Iran. 

This mechanism will help the international community perform enhanced due diligence on humanitarian trade to ensure that funds associated with permissible trade in support of the Iranian people are not diverted by the Iranian regime to develop ballistic missiles, support terrorism, or finance other malign activities.  Concurrently, Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) identified Iran as a jurisdiction of primary money laundering concern under Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act, and issued a new rulemaking to protect the U.S. financial system from malign Iranian financial activities.

Treasury and State Announce New Humanitarian Mechanism to Increase Transparency of Permissible Trade Supporting the Iranian People…Home.Treasury.gov/

Imposition of Fifth Special Measure against the Islamic Republic of Iran as a Jurisdiction of Primary Money Laundering Concern..Fincen.gov

Women Benefit Less From International Trade

Women In Finance:

President-elect Ursula von der Leyen will be the first female Commission president. Not only that, but she has also succeeded in forming the first gender-balanced EU leadership team. Women are back on the EU’s agenda, writes Cecilia Malmström.

Cecilia Malmström is the Commissioner for Trade in the current European Commission. Before that, she was the Commissioner for Home Affairs.

This is a big step forward, but we must not stop here. Every EU leader must look hard at what they can do to continue this progress.

It is a well-established fact that international trade brings prosperity. It is equally well-known that the gains from trade are not always spread evenly.

In recent years the EU has completed deals with some of the world’s biggest economies. Since 2014, agreements with 15 countries have entered into force, including Japan, Canada and many more. Companies and their workers in the EU benefit from being part of what is now the world’s biggest trade network.

Nevertheless, it seems that some citizens are benefiting more than others.

Our research says that 36 million jobs in Europe are linked to EU exports. But of those 36 million, only 37% are women. Why?…Euractiv.com
