Oligarch Firtash, Out of 125 Million Bail, Has an Office in Switzerland

All money trails lead to Switzerland.  Despite clamp downs by the US government and some other nations, the Swiss continue to provide safe havens for oligarchs’ money.

At 7 Bahnhofstrasse in Zug, there are companies listed in 194 Post Office Boxes.  One of these belongs to Firtash.  Arrested in Austria on a warrant from the FBI, Firtash is off on 125 million dollars bail, peanuts to this Russian oligarch, a pal of Putin’s who has enriched himself through gas deals.

Companies with post office boxes is Switzerland.

Companies with post office boxes is Switzerland.

Firtash Company Switzerland

Firtash Company Switzerland

Steueroasenbuch (Tax Haven Report, Page 29)

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