The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

International tax system cannot deal with mobile multinational firms that shift profits to low-tax countries, says OECD. Governments risk “global tax chaos” as they chase dwindling revenues from multinational companies unless the international tax regime is radically overhauled, according to a report commissioned by the G20 group of nations.

The report warns that “inaction in this area would likely result in some governments losing corporate tax revenue, the emergence of competing sets of international standards and the replacement of the current consensus-based framework by unilateral measures which could lead to global tax chaos”. That in turn could see the large-scale re-emergence of double taxation, where two countries seek to tax the same corporate income…
OECD Action Plan

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting – Multimedia
Centre for Tax Policy and Administration
>> OECD Secretary-General Gurria discusses the G8
and its pledges to reform corporate tax rules…Video OECD


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