Nothing Like a Game Dame for the NBA

David Zirin writes: Ccongressional shields and anti-trust exemptions enable pro sports to operate in a constitution-free zone, without the customary rights accorded in labor law. You get drafted to your city of work, a salary cap determines what you can make, and, arbitrarily, you can be deemed not old enough to work.

wages are artificially capped, with the supposed business geniuses that own NBA franchises protected from their own checkbooks like over-caffeinated teenagers. It does not change an accepted narrative that trickles down into the main vein of US life: that the bosses always know and do what’s best.

Michele Roberts took a blowtorch to this narrative, saying, “I don’t know of any space other than the world of sports where there’s this notion that we will artificially deflate what someone’s able to make, just because. It’s incredibly un-American. My DNA is offended by it.”

She also said that the current revenue split, where 50 percent goes to ownership, was ridiculous and would change when the players opt out of the current CBA a CBA that shifted billions of dollars in wealth from players to owners and renegotiates in 2017.

Game Dame

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