More Revelations From HSBC Whistleblower?

 Herve Falciani has revealed that far from this week being the end of the story, there is still plenty of information that is likely to come out about HSBC.  One million new bits of data, to be precise. He says work will start soon on analysing the information.

And that a major oil company could be next to feel the effects of a major data leak about how it operates.

Mr Falciani is the man behind the largest data leak in banking history – and after days of revelations about HSBC and tax evasion by its wealthy customers between 2005 and 2007, he now says he feels vindicated.

HSBC has said it has reformed how its private bank operates and that there are now far fewer clients and much stricter controls.

Anyone involved in the allegations of tax evasion have left the bank, sources tell me.

But Mr Falciani says that HSBC should still be prosecuted for past failings.  He called on European, Asian and American law enforcement agencies to work together to tackle bank corruption.

Whistleblowers should also be given more protection so they can reveal what they know.

Critics say he stole the HSBC data when he worked at the bank and originally hawked the information around for money.  “It is wrong,” he said. “They try to kill your reputation, like the mafia. It is already starting to be proved to be wrong.

“I never asked for payment and I will have time to prove that.”

Mr Falciani says that the last seven years have been endured at some considerable personal cost.

Whistleblowers have to be ready for a long fight. “It proves how difficult it is and how tricky you have to be,” he said. “It took many more years than I expected. It’s a huge journey.”


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