Money Matters: Jobs

JobsJobs. All over the world jobs are short. Especially jobs for young people who we are supposed to be welcoming into the adult world.

Unemployment among the 18-34 year old group is higher than any other. Except perhaps people who have given up looking for work.

The issue is partly lack of training for jobs that are available. Richard Fisher, formerly of the Dallas Federal Reserve in the US noted that plenty of jobs were available for truck drivers but they have to pass an arithmetic test, and many young people fail.

In the US President Obama is pushing community colleges. This is a good move. Two year colleges are set up to prepare and certify young people for jobs.

Infrastructure projects, so sorely needed, are also abundant employers.

The Dardenne brothers Belgian film, “Two Nights and One Day,” shows one part of the pain of not being employed.

A play which one of our editors reviewed shows how emasculating not having a job can be for a middle aged man.

The consequences of unemployment range from not being able to pay the bills to devastating emotional waves.

Jobs should surely be a focus for social efforts across the US and Europe.

When Robots Replace Jobs

Young People Can’t Find Work

Jobs All Around, but Not for You

Theatrical presentation of the Impact of Joblessness

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