Military Projects for Entrepreneurs?

DARPA (the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency) and Arizona State University are testing a jetpack for US troops but it has at least one drawback. The device will not allow soldiers to fly instead increasing the ground speed of the wearer allowing them to run a four minute mile.

Think of a jetpack and you may imagine flying over a futuristic city, inspired by scenes in sci-fi films. But the technology could also be used to enable soldiers to run faster in warzones in a matter of years.
US engineers have created a working prototype that attaches to people’s backs and helps them to run a mile in a much shorter space of time – despite carrying the large metal pack.
The project is the military’s latest effort to create exoskeletons for US soldiers to give them super-human strength, speed and other advantages on the battlefield.

imagine flying over a futuristic city, inspired by scenes in sci-fi films. But the technology could also be used to enable soldiers to run faster in warzones in a matter of years.
US engineers have created a working prototype that attaches to people’s backs and helps them to run a mile in a much shorter space of time – despite carrying the large metal pack.
The project is the military’s latest effort to create exoskeletons for US soldiers to give them super-human strength, speed and other advantages on the battlefield.


Jetpack for Soldiers

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