Mexico Moves Forward

Since 2012, three major politial parties in Mexico have joined forces to pass 11 major reforms.  Most striking are:

1.  Civiiliry in politics.  In August a controversial and difficult bill was paased curbing the power of Pemex, the petroleum monopoly and a pride of the country.  A new generation of leaders sees an advantage in curbing old-style infighting.

2.  Better services.  Meixo is one of the world’s most ope economies. It has 44 trade agreements with other countries.  Reforms will help get loans to small businesses and build more roads, railroads and airports.  This may be a good time for entrepreneurs.  And murders are down 29 per cent.

3. Openess and transparency.  Transparency institutes and corruption commissions will watch over awards for oil and gas development and all other matters.

by Fernando Llera

by Fernando Llera



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