Italian Government Commits to Women Entrepreneurs

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Development and businesses.  Banks acceding to the new Protocol will indicate the financial ceiling that can be used for the granting of loans related to specific lines of action: new investments for the development of the business or profession; creation of new businesses or start-up of the profession.  After Italy’s financial difficulties this is good news.   Loans are provided on competitive terms compared to the normal supply of credit and similar transactions with the same degree of risk. Benefiting from the guarantee of the special section of the Department of Equal Opportunities Fund, the cost of financing could be further lowered.

The President of Cna, the National Confederation for the Craft Sector and Small and Medium Enterprise of Italy, said, “We appreciate both the Government’s commitment both by the Italian Banking: is the recognition of the role that women entrepreneurs can play in the revitalization of our country. ”

“This Protocol ‘Health concludes” it is a great opportunity to make a qualitative leap in relations between banks and firms. But a signature is not enough. Now we need all of them that the parties commit themselves to transform into action the principles set out in the plan. And, to avoid that the Protocol will remain on paper, the CNA will promote a comprehensive information activities aimed at entrepreneurs and the banks themselves. ”

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