Inviting Men at the Top to Help Women

IMPACT Leadership 21′s revolutionary approach to transforming women’s leadership in this hyper-connected world understands that men are part of the solution.  Men can be powerful ambassadors for change. Men are untapped, yet a critical resource in advancing women’s global leadership and achieving equality.  How do we harness this untapped resource?  We engage them.”

“Conversations with Men” has four major goals:
Serve as a platform for candid conversations about collaboration between women and men in all spheres of leadership.
Engage men as crucial and equal partners in advancing women’s leadership at the highest level of influence.
Emphasize the importance of a women’s network that is inclusive of men in leadership roles.
Create opportunities with men in leadership roles for an accelerated place of equal representation of women in our society.

The overarching goal is to engage men in leadership positions in accelerating women’s leadership at the top. After all, the so-called “women’s issues” must no longer be labeled as such – because these issues are also men’s issues, and the society’s issues.  Bottom line, both women and men, businesses, corporations, organizations and governments benefit from having a gender-balanced decision-making table.  Impact White Paper

Men and Women Talking

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