How China Handles Picketty-type Inequality.

Andrew SHeng nad Xiao Geng write:

In order to ensure long-term social stability, China must promote inclusive wealth creation, for example, by establishing strong incentives for innovation. The rise of high-tech companies like Huawei, Tencent, and Alibaba is a step in the right direction, though the fact that the most successful Chinese tech companies are listed overseas, and are thus not available to mainland investors, is problematic. Regulations and exchange controls prevent the retail sector from benefiting from new wealth creation.
Another challenge lies in the decline in the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index from its 2007 peak of 6,000 to around 2,000 today. With financial assets failing to bring adequate dividends or capital appreciation, many investors have switched to real estate as a hedge against inflation.
China’s leaders are already working to guide the transition to a growth model driven by domestic consumption and higher-value-added production. But the challenge is more complex than that. The new model – with the help of market forces, where and when appropriate – seeks to ensure that wealth is created sustainably and shared widely. To succeed would fulfill the Chinese Dream. Failure would mean that inequality would continue to fester worldwide.   Piketty in China

Income Inequality in China


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