What Does Autocratic Turkey Mean for the Economy?

A leading Istanbul businesswoman said: “The prime minister’s suggestions that those on the streets are only looters and provocateurs very much misrepresent the current situation as even the elderly in residential areas show their support by banging on pots and pans from their windows.

“The solidarity among the protesters aimed specifically at the prime minister exemplifies their frustration at his growing autocratic ambitions … While it is unlikely he will step down, he has over-reached his authority and now faces a more organised, more vocal opposition.”   Article Turkey protests expose anxiety over Erdogan's growing autocratic ambitions

China’s Premier Arrives in Berlin

Germany is the only country in the European Union that Li Keqiang will visit.  Obama arrives in June.  Are the leaders of the world supporting Merkel’s re-election in September?  David Cameron is her Best Friend Forever.   These world leaders come with hazards.  A German journalist riding in a taxi in Bejing recently, got stuck in traffic.  A thick smog covered the city and the smells of charcoal wafted through the taxi window. In halting Mandarin, the journalist asked the taxi driver is he wasn’t afraid that the city would choke in smog.

The cab driver replied:  “That is the smell of money.  If it stinks, then the economy is booming.”   Article  china

Entrenched Gender Gap in China?

BEIJING — Lately, a stream of rosy media accounts has been telling the world to look to China as a model of gender equality in the workplace. “China Dominates List of Female Billionaires” and “Women in China: the Sky’s the Limit” are some recent examples from the international press.

But the cascade of optimistic portraits detracts from what is really happening to women in China’s fast-growing urban work force. They are losing ground fast.  Here’s a reportChina’s Entrenched Gender Gap

Does Your Lipstick Contain Lead?

Studies have been finding lead in lipstick for years. The first major examination was in 2007 when the nonprofit Campaign for Safe Cosmetics tested a range of products and found lead in 61 percent of them, including Burt’s Bees tinted chapstick. Burt’s, which is owned by Clorox, trades on selling “truly natural products that have a positive effect on both you and the world you live in.”   Article


Beware Revenge on Wikipedia and the Web

The Filipacchis of Hachette are not the only target of web editors let off their leashes.  Carmen Reinhart’s prominence in the economic world may well have made her inadvertent Excel error a tempest in a teapot.  Editors of papers like the New York Times have never been free of targeting enemies and ignoring the foibles of friends, but the ubiquitous web is a place, we as editors have to be particularly careful not to let our emotions run away with our keyboards.  Article web revenge