Whistleblower Award


The Securities and Exchange Commission announced an award of more than $14 million to a whistleblower whose information led to an SEC enforcement action that recovered substantial investor funds. Payments to whistleblowers are made from a separate fund previously established by the Dodd-Frank Act and do not come from the agency’s annual appropriations or reduce amounts paid to harmed investors.

“Our whistleblower program already has had a big impact on our investigations by providing us with high quality, meaningful tips,” said SEC Chair Mary Jo White. “We hope an award like this encourages more individuals with information to come forward.”

The whistleblower, who does not wish to be identified, provided original information and assistance that allowed the SEC to investigate an enforcement matter more quickly than otherwise would have been possible. Less than six months after receiving the whistleblower’s tip, the SEC was able to bring an enforcement action against the perpetrators and secure investor funds.

“While it is certainly gratifying to make this significant award payout, the even better news for investors is that whistleblowers are coming forward to assist us in stopping potential fraud in its tracks so that no future investors are harmed,” said Sean McKessy, chief of the SEC’s Office of the Whistleblower. “That ultimately is what the whistleblower program is all about.”
SEC Whistleblower Award PressRelease
SEC Whistleblower_Award

Whistleblower Awarded

$650 Million Traded in Chicago with A Millesecond Headstart

Is that what investing in the market has come to?  On the day the US Fed announced that it was continuing to buy bonds and not tapering quantitative easing, economic instruments tied to that decision (S&P e-mini futures. gold futures and ETFs) jumped in Chicago. The decision was announced at 2pm.  Volumes in Chicago increased at 2:00:00:001.  Is there room in this game for a person who invests in a measurable value?  Where are the chickens and where are the chickens and where are the eggs?  CNBC Reports on Millesecond Trades

Faster than the Speed of Light

Doaa ElAdl, An Important Cartoonist on the Front Lines in Egypt

Doaa El Adl worked as a cartoonist for the newspaperAl Dostor, Rose Al Youssef Magazine, and Sabah El Kheir Magazine. She currently works at the prominent newspaperAl Masry Al Youm. She has also worked as an illustrator and has contributed to the magazines Qatr El Nada, Alaa-El Din and Bassem. In 2009 she was the first woman to win the Award of Journalistic Distinction in Caricature.  Here is a recent interview with her in Sampsonia.  A recent interview of Doaa El Adl by Olivia Stransky for Sampsonia


Impact of US Spying on Germany

Libertarians and many common citizens in the US have protested against comprehensive spying to the NSA on ordinary citizens.  But the outcry in the US in no way matches the profound disappointment and even disgust of other nations around the world.  The prompts vary from country to country.  This article in Propublica discusses Germany.  Why NSA Snooping Is Bigger Deal in Germany   Sadly, around the world, the US has been diminished by this fundamental invasion of privacy.

US Spying


Protesting New Young Turks Include Women

The protests show that Turkey’s political fault lines have shifted. Scenes of tattooed youths helping women in headscarves stricken by tear gas have bust tired stereotypes about secularism versus Islam. Many protesters were born in the 1990s—reflecting the bulge of teenagers and twenty-somethings in the population. As many women as men were among them.  The Economist reports.  A woman in red is sprayed with tear gas.

Lady in Red Sprayed with Tear Gas