Follow the Money

Task Force Eligo generates more than $580 million in cash, drugs and assets


Australian Crime Commission, Australian Federal Police, Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre

The Australian Crime Commission has today unveiled a year-long covert money laundering investigation codenamed Eligo following a record $5.7 million cash seizure in Sydney at the weekend (Saturday, 18 January 2014).

The Eligo National Task Force, established in 2012 as an Australian Crime Commission-led special investigation into the use of alternative remittance and informal value transfer systems by serious and organised crime, has seized more than $580 million worth of drugs and assets, including $26 million in cash.

Follow the Money

Follow the Money


WTO: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Chosen As Director-General

History is made: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala chosen as Director-General

WTO members made history today (15 February) when the General Council agreed by consensus to select Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala of Nigeria as the organization’s seventh Director-General.

When she takes office on 1 March, Dr Okonjo-Iweala will become the first woman and the first African to be chosen as Director-General. Her term, renewable, will expire on 31 August 2025.

“This is a very significant moment for the WTO. On behalf of the General Council, I extend our warmest congratulations to Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on her appointment as the WTO’s next Director-General and formally welcome her to this General Council meeting,” said General Council Chair David Walker of New Zealand who, together with co-facilitators Amb. Dacio Castillo (Honduras) and Amb. Harald Aspelund (Iceland) led the nine-month DG selection process.

“Dr Ngozi, on behalf of all members I wish to sincerely thank you for your graciousness in these exceptional months, and for your patience. We look forward to collaborating closely with you, Dr Ngozi, and I am certain that all members will work with you constructively during your tenure as Director-General to shape the future of this organization,” he added.

Dr Okonjo-Iweala said a key priority for her would be to work with members to quickly address the economic and health consequences brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I am honoured to have been selected by WTO members as WTO Director-General,” said Dr Okonjo-Iweala. “A strong WTO is vital if we are to recover fully and rapidly from the devastation wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. I look forward to working with members to shape and implement the policy responses we need to get the global economy going again. Our organization faces a great many challenges but working together we can collectively make the WTO stronger, more agile and better adapted to the realities of today.”…WTO.orgCartoon:

WEF- World Economic Forum 2021

Live Sessions



The Davos Agenda is a pioneering mobilization of global leaders to shape the principles, policies and partnerships needed in this challenging new context. It is essential for leaders from all walks of life to work together virtually for a more inclusive, cohesive and sustainable future as soon as possible in 2021. To this end, the World Economic Forum has served for more than 50 years as a trusted platform where leaders from business, government, international organizations, civil society and academia convene to address critical issues at the start of each year.

An entire week of global programming will be dedicated to helping leaders choose innovative and bold solutions to stem the pandemic and drive a robust recovery over the next year.

The Davos Agenda will also mark the launch of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative and begin the preparation of the Special Annual Meeting in the spring. Each day will focus on one of the five domains of the Great Reset Initiative:

Monday 25 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Designing cohesive, sustainable and resilient economic systems.

Tuesday 26 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Driving responsible industry transformation and growth.

Wednesday 27 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Enhancing stewardship of our global commons.

Thursday 28 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Harnessing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Friday 29 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Advancing global and regional cooperation.
The Global Risks Report 2021

WEF- Programme 2021

Live Sessions

Twitter: WEF- Programme 2021

Silavan Wegmann

Wirecard Viewed From A Money Laundering Perspective

Reflections on possible accounting fraud and money laundering constructions at Wirecard

By Dick Crijns, senior advisor AMLC

During the last two weeks I have been regularly asked questions about potential fraud at Wirecard. I noticed that everyone mentions potential accounting fraud and possible market manipulation, but in response to the open ends, questions are also asked about relationships with money laundering. Despite the fact that there is still very little that is really clear regarding the nature and scope of what has happened at Wirecard, I can see the necessary references points for more fraud, as well as a potential role for Wirecard in a money laundering scheme. In response to these questions, in this article I wish to set out a number of main points regarding the frauds and present some important background information.

As far as I am concerned, this is an open end article, which will be adapted as soon as more information is available. Even while writing it I was able to concretise certain aspects due to more information being released… Wirecard-money-laundering-perspective
Bafin im Fokus der EU-Finanzaufsicht ESMA |

A New Money Laundering Machine In A Familiar Guise

The Azerbaijani laundromat: a new money laundering machine in a familiar guise

D. Crijns, AMLC senior advisor

Most of you are familiar to the so-called Russian laundromat, a $20 billion money laundering scheme during the period 2010 – 2014. A few weeks ago, the journalist collective OCCRP published a new, similar scheme: the Azerbaijani laundromat.

In this article I will discuss four items. First the new scheme in short. Then I will deal with a special legal entity that is often used in this type of money laundering scheme, and give some examples and more detailed information. In the third paragraph I will focus on the role of the banks in the scheme and how the money actually got into the hands of the criminals. Finally, I will give examples of how the money is spent.


Into The Grey Zone

What do assassinations, cyber hacks and disinformation have in common? They’re all weapons used by states against each other in a grey zone of harm that sits – deliberately – under the threshold of war, but could be just as dangerous if ignored.

Sky News journalist Deborah Haynes explores this often invisible battlefield, where anything can be – and is – used as a weapon and anyone, anywhere can be a target.

This episode seeks to explain what the grey zone is. It includes a warning from General Sir Nick Carter, the head of the UK’s armed forces, and Ben Wallace, the defence secretary, about the danger of ignoring attacks in this murky space, while Lieutenant General Graeme Lamb, a former director of UK special forces, warns: “We’re being boiled like a frog!”

Sky News journalist Deborah Haynes then travels to Salisbury with the widow of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko to visit the site of one of the most high profile grey zone attacks – the poisoning of another ex-Russian agent, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia.

Lord Mark Sedwill, a former national security adviser, talks about how he led the UK’s response to nerve agent poisoning and the fake news that followed.

Finally, Eliot Higgins, founder of the investigative website Bellingcat, describes how he and his team revealed the true identities of the Russian military intelligence officers named by the UK as prime suspects in the attempted assassination. Russia denies involvement.

General Sir Nick Carter, chief of the defence staff
Ben Wallace, defence secretary
Lord Mark Sedwill, former UK national security adviser, former cabinet secretary

Grey Zone

What Is A Tax Haven? What Is A Corporate Tax Haven?

A corporate tax haven is pretty much what most people would imagine it to be: a jurisdiction that provides facilities to help multinationals escape taxes elsewhere. More formally, we define it as

A jurisdiction that seeks to attract multinational companies by offering facilities that enable them to escape or undermine the tax laws, rules and regulations of other jurisdictions, reducing their tax payments in these jurisdictions.

Current data and research suggests that governments around the world lose over US$ 500 billion — half a trillion dollars — in tax each year due to corporate tax havens. The IMF,  for instance, recently estimated that rich countries lose some $450 billion annually to tax-haven related corporate tax dodging, while lower-income countries lose $200 billion (which represents a bigger share relative to their smaller economies).  But remember: tax losses are just one dimension of the damage. The harm that corporate tax havens inflict on democracy, on society, and on our trust in politics and markets, is incalculable.
Financial Secrecy Index – 2020 ResultsMake Taxes Work For Women

Gender References In Security Council Counter-Terrorism

CTED’s Trend Tracker shows increased attention to gender issues in a counter-terrorism context across three indicators:

  1. A growing number of gender references in Security Council counter-terrorism resolutions on issues such as prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of returning foreign terrorist fighters; countering terrorist narratives; and links between terrorism, trafficking in persons and conflict-related sexual violence;
  2.  A significant increase in CTED’s recommendations to Member States on gender-sensitive approaches in counter-terrorism and CVE, including recommendations for technical assistance delivery; and
  3.  An exponential growth in research on gender and counter-terrorism, which contributes to building a stronger evidence base for gender-sensitive policies and programming.

Landmark resolution calling for greater integration of the Women, Peace and Security agenda and counter-terrorism. àRecognises the differential impact of terrorism and violent extremism on the human rights of women and girls. àRequests CTED to integrate gender as a cross-cutting issue throughout its activities. Integrating gender into counter-terrorism