W-T-W.org Women and Finance Cartoon of the Year 2016

Dagmar Frank announces the winner of W-T-W.org Women and Finance Cartoon of the Year.  Congratulations to Marilena Nardi for fighting corruption with “Mani in Tasca” Hands in the pocket. On a website dedicated in part to the definition and exploration of corruption, Nardi’s subtle, portrayal of corruption’s insidious role in society highlights the problem with a cruel grace.Cartoon of the Year 2016
Second prize to Silvan Wegmann for the wonderful cartoon on “Women’s Day”
It’s A Man’s World.

Third prize to ZUNAR-Zulkiflee Anwar Haque for his self portrait “Cartooning in Malaysia”.
A Malaysian Political Cartoonist on Facing His Fears, and Prison, for Art.
Cartoon of the Month December 2016In an interview, Mr. Zulkiflee, 54, discussed how social media has become an increasingly important channel for political dissents, and why he continues to use his art to investigate corruption and injustice.


Inequality Crisis Is Far Bigger Than We Had Feared

Oxfam highlights world inequality ahead of WEF Davos summit.

The eight richest businessmen own as much as half the world’s population, 3.6 billion people, according to the Oxfam Inequality is “more shocking than ever before” the aid group said.  In its Report, Oxfam called for an overhaul of what it described as a “warped” economy which allowed eight billionaires to own as much wealth as half of the world’s population, or 3.6 billion people.

The report was published on Monday, a day ahead of the start of the World Economic Forum WEF for the world’s politicians and business leaders in the ski resort of Davos in the Swiss Alps.

But how big the inequality gap is it? Check it by the numbers:

  1. Just eight men own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity. None of them has earned his fortune through talent or hard work, but by inheritance or accumulation through industries which are prone to corruption and cronyism.
  2. Seven out of 10 people live in a country that has seen a rise in inequality in the last 30 years.
  3. The richest are accumulating wealth at such an astonishing rate that the world could see its first trillionaire in just 25 years. So, you would need to spend $1 million every day for 2738 years to spend $1 trillion.
  4. Extreme inequality across the globe is having a tremendous impact on women’s lives. Employed women, who face high levels of discrimination in the work place, and take on a disproportionate amount of unpaid care work often find themselves at the bottom of the pile. On current trends, it will take 170 years for women to be paid the same as men.
  5. Corporate tax dodging costs poor countries at least $100 billion every year. This is enough money to provide an education for the 124 million children who aren’t in school and prevent the deaths of at least six million children thanks to health care services.

    Waldemar Mandzel

Global Risks Report 2017

The Global Risks Report 2017 features perspectives from nearly 750 experts on the perceived impact and likelihood of 30 prevalent global risks as well as 13 underlying trends that could amplify them or alter the interconnections between them over a 10-year timeframe.

2016 saw a crystallization of political risks that have led to the election of populist leaders, a loss of faith in institutions and increased strain on international cooperation. We should not be surprised by this: for the past decade, the Global Risks Report has been drawing attention to persistent economic, social and political factors that have been shaping our risks landscape. 

This year’s report will examine the five greatest priorities facing the world in 2017, their interconnections and the actions necessary to avoid their harshest fall-out. weforum
The Global Risks Report 2017

Top 20 Female Entrepreneurs To Watch In 2017

The List of Top 20 Female Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2017 highlights CEOs from medtech, edtech, spacetech, VR and fashion technology.

Every year, female entrepreneurs take their ideas and change the world around us and 2017 is going to be no different. CIO’s Top 20 list of female entrepreneurs to watch in 2017 employs thousands of workers and collectively have raised tens of millions of dollars for their companies. After the jump: CIO’s list of 20 female entrepreneurs you’ll want to watch in 2017:

1. Julia Taylor Cheek

Julia Taylor Cheek isn’t new to business but the Harvard Business grad’s new company is literally changing the way we live. Cheek’s company, EverlyWell (of which she is both co-founder and CEO) is simplifying health testing and putting it into words and charts that everybody can understand.

2. Esosa Ighodaro

Embracing the selfie movement, Esosa Ighodaro’s simple yet creative app COSIGN allows people to tag product information in their picture. This helps online shoppers cut corners while looking for the style they want, giving them almost immediate access to clothing, accessories, products and more.

3. Amanda Signorelli

If you haven’t heard of Techweek yet, you’re bound to at some point in 2017. Amanda Signorelli, CEO of Techweek, is building tech-based entrepreneurial communities in major cities across North America, helping local business break through.

4. Danielle Morrill




Dimensions of Women’s Autonomy and Family Influence

Financial empowerment makes women more concerned about their participation in decision making A total of 1,387 working women from Mumbai were interviewed to analyse aspects like control over finance, household decisions and freedom of movement.

Zeeshan Shaikh reports: Women’s participation in the decision making process and their autonomy are equally important components of women empowerment, along with access to resources. A study was published in the International Journal of Science and Research to analyse the decision making powers of working women within the family.

Women claim more autonomy on husband’s income in joint families. The reason for this could be that other family members, such as in-laws, too stake claim to this income in joint families. On the other hand, women in nuclear families do not have this fear.
Financial Empowerment WomenDimensions-of Womens Autonomy and Family Influence

Rex Tillerson directed Offshore Company used in Russia Deals

The ExxonMobil chief nominated by Donald Trump to be Secretary of State was a director of an offshore company that had close dealings with Russia.

Tillerson was appointed in 1998 as a director of Exxon Neftegas, an ExxonMobil subsidiary involved in oil and gas operations in Russia, according to leaked documents from the Bahamas corporate registry received by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and shared with ICIJ.
Publicintegrity.org/Tillerson directed Offshore Company used Russia-Deals
Offshore Leaks Database



IMF Supports Christine Lagarde

Refusing to bow to a French court decision which was clearly politically motivated, the IMF directors supported Ms. Lagarde’s continuing leadership of the fund.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was removed for transgressions that occurred while he was running the IMF.  If Ms. Lagarde was in fact guilty, events took place while she was still in the administration of Nicolas Sarkosy.

Since she has taken charge of the IMF, Ms. Lagarde has worked tirelessly on behalf of women and tried to bring attention to growing inequality in the world. Her work on behalf of these two critical issues and many others surely suggests that she is a good leader for the IMF.


Will Christine Lagarde have to resign?

IMF chief Christine Lagarde found guilty of ‘negligence’ over huge payout to business tycoon – but escapes jail.

What was Christine Lagarde accused of?
The 60-year-old former corporate lawyer was accused of wrongdoing on two counts: agreeing to the arbitration and failing to challenge the subsequent €404 million (£340 million) award.

In its verdict, the court of three professional magistrates, six senators and six MPs, found no fault in Ms Lagarde’s decision to launch the arbitration procedure. But it found her guilty of “negligence” in choosing not to appeal the arbitration panel’s ruling.
Statement on Legal Proceedings in France Relating to the Managing Director

Kjell Nilsson-Mäki http://hem.bredband.net/makiteckningar/Makibilder/Webbplats/Valkommen.html

Kjell Nilsson-Mäki


Trump and Infrastructure

The President-elect has made infrastructure repair a key item on his agenda for the first hundred days.  Democrats and Republicans both recognize the necessity for repairing infrastructure. For years there has been agreement.  And nothing has happened.

In the US, a small bill was passed recently in which the US Federal Reserve undertook the financing.  Most people agree that the Federal Reserve is not the institution to look to for money.  They have come to be the dollar of the last resort.

So where else can financing come from.  Trump has suggested private-public partnerships in which tax incentives bring private money to project.  In some cases this may work.  But there are some projects, like buses and bus routes in poorer cities, that are never going to make money and nonetheless need repair. Private companies are not going to be attracted to these kinds of projects.

The good news is that Senator Charles Schumer of New York and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg want to see infrastructure repair go forward and have agreed to help figure out how to make this possible.
