Missy Mazzoli, Important American Composer, at Le Poisson Rouge

Missy Mazolli resisted opera when she was studying with Louis Andriessen in the Netherlands.  But she came upon the story of a Swiss advneturer, Isabel Eberhardt, and felt the scope of opera, and the opportunity it offers to engage all the senses, was perfect to tell the story, “Songs from the Uproar,” emerged from the dark waters into which Eberhardt’s journals and diaries had fallen.    Article Poisson2 abigail

Natalie Dessay Disarms and Charms as Cleopatra

Dessay has not been comfortable on the Metropolitan Opera stage recently.  In productions by a theater director who did not understand the opera form, her voice too was often challenged.  Now working with the great British opera director, Sir David McVicar, Dessay is at the top of her form.  During the run of Handel’s Giulio Cesere in New York she regularly practiced Iyengar yoga.  Her split pose imprecating Caesar, her drop to fixed-firm-flatback on the stage floor, all were as natural as her floated top notes and trills. Article Natalie Dessay Disarms and Charms as Cleopatra