Empowering Ladies in India

FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO), Coimbatore Chapter, supported by Women Business Entrepreneurs Development Association (WOBEDA) conducted a 15-day course for women wanting to start a business. From identifying a viable project, to executing it and sustaining it, 18 women were introduced to the nuts and bolts of start ups. “It is an attempt to empower women, especially those from middle and lower income groups, and help them turn entrepreneurs,” said President FLO, Lakshmi Ramachandran. She said that this was the first time in 20 years of FLO in Coimbatore that they had conducted such a course. They plan to make it a yearly affair.   Article


Dutchman to head EuroZone Finance

Announcing his candidacy on Thursday, Dijsselbloem told Dutch lawmakers he wanted to broaden out the Eurogroup’s agenda beyond discussion of crisis measures and bailout countries.  “It has to be broadened out to include economic co-operation and reinforcement,” he said, adding that reforms were needed in virtually all the countries of the eurozone.  This conciliatory style marks a break with the blunt style of his predecessor, Jan Kees De Jager, who ruffled feathers with his demands for fiscal discipline in the eurozone periphery.  He has carrots to go with the sticks. In December, he promised Dutch lawmakers he would help Greek tax authorities deal with tax dodgers by sending them details of hundreds of Greek yachts anchored in Dutch ports…Article



Artistic Interventions in Business

Dr. Ariane Berthoin Antal focuses on ‘newness’ in business.  She writes: What happens when you bring together (a) curious minds whose bodies usually reside in Sweden, Finland, Germany and France, (b) the topic of artistic interventions in organizations, and (c) an array of art materials? Rich ingredients indeed. The three days of “Artful Research Conversations” at the WZB this week unleashed ideas, images, questions, plans for collaboration, and … dance.  Article


Investment Advisor Joins Fight for the Safety and Security of Indian Women

As most of you are aware, a movement is taking shape in India – a movement that will change forever, the lives of millions of Indian women. The women of India are fighting for basic safety and security. As a corporate citizen of India, Investopresto wants to show its support for the women of India in this fight for freedom.  Article

Protest in India over women's safety

Investing in Women

The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women initiative operates through a network of more than 80 academic and nonprofit institutions. These partnerships help develop locally relevant coursework and improve the quality and capacity of business education worldwide.  The women selected for the program enroll in customized certificate programs ranging from five weeks to six months. Topics covered include marketing, accounting, writing business plans and accessing capital.  Students are offered mentoring and post-graduate support by partner institutions, local businesses and the people of Goldman Sachs. Overview