Hillary Clinton’s Message

In a press conference at the UN Hillary Clinton explained the use of a private server for US State Department emails.   The server was located at the Cintons’ home in Chappaqua.  She did not say who paid for the server.  This is important.  It may well have been the Clinton Foundation and a clear conflict of interest.  She said that no one should have access to the server.  Is she really in a position to decide which messages stored there are the pubic’s business?

While many women, the founders of this website included, would llike to see a woman President of the US, it has to be the right woman.  We are offended by by Mrs. Clinton’s statements that her election represents the future.  She has been running for Preisdent for fifty years.  Where is her message?

Issues of banking corruption, inequality, educatoin and jobs are most important for most people.  Mrs. Clinton does not talk about these issues.  She capped her news conference with the phrase, “We should be about the business of the 21st Century.”  That business apparenttly is to elect Mrs. Clinton President.

Until she answers questions about the ownership of the server and who pays for it, until she reveals the tax relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton’s personal taxes, until she speaks out on some to the really important issues of the 21st Century, she should not try for the top job.

Mrs. Clinton appears to be tone deaf.  In her 2008 campaaign, she surrounded herself with yes people who talked only about Mr. Clinton’s title when he returned to the White House.  Should is be First Laddie?  She lost the party’s nomination in a year when she could have won.

We also have to look carefully at her relationship with Goldman Sachs.  She is on their payroll.  The head of Goldman and perhaps even Goldman itself set her son-in-law up in a hedge fund businesss he was claerly not qualitied to run.  Chelsea’s wedding had to be postponed until her future father-in-law got out of jail  A congressman, he was convicted on 31 counts of fraud and served his term in federal jail. Questions still remain about antique furniture which Denise Rich may have given the Clintons in exchange for a pardon for Marc, a fugitive hiding out in Zug, Switzerland.

Questions, questions.  This is the business of the 21st century.  To insure that our political leaders are in a position to represent us and not themselves.

Questions.  So many unanswered questions.

An excellent summary of the history of Government Archives and detail on exactly what Clinton did in the email case.  ” In October 2009, 10 months into her tenure at state, new regulations from the National Archives and Records Administration required federal agencies to ensure that records sent or received on private e-mail systems “are preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system.”   Government Archives

Hillary v Hillary?

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