Hello Kitty Turns 40

Since her arrival in 1974 as a graphic on a coin purse, Hello Kitty has become a worldwide delight and a $7 billion business annually.  Can entreprenrenuers will this  kind of success?  Probably not.  But luck and hard work are a good place to start.

Helo Kitty transcents age and geographic barriers.  Taiwan has a Helllo Kitty themed aircraft, hotell rooms, a restaurnat and even a maternity ward.  This is the icon’s 40th anniversary.

Los Angeles held a four-day sold out Hello Kitty Con featuring original merchandse and fan meet-ups.

Earlier this year parent company Sanrio causes a stir when it told a curator for a Helllo Kitty retrospective at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles that its star is not a cat, but rather a third-graded from England.  Helo Kitty is Kitty white, “a bright little girl with a heart of golld.”

Hello Kitty's Birthday



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