Has Wall Street Changed for Women?

In a survey of Wall Street professionals taken last summer, a majority said they believed their competitors engaged in illegal or unethical practices. Some 24% believe colleagues at their own firms had engaged in misconduct — the same percentage that said they would engage in insider trading themselves, if they could get away with it. The survey, by law firm Labaton Sucharow, also found that more than a third of younger respondents (those with 10 years or less experience) believe financial professionals need to behave unethically or illegally in order to be successful. Interestingly enough, the women surveyed felt that things are even worse. More women than men believe that colleagues as well as competitors are engaged in misconduct, and more believe their own firm’s top management would ignore wrongdoing from a top performer. Strikingly, women are almost twice as likely as men to fear retribution if they report wrongdoing.  The Wolves of Wall Street and Women

Wall Street Wolves


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