Financial Fitness for Girls!

Money makes women independent! The sooner the better !

We make you FINANZ fit!
Do you want to be independent?
Have your finances under control yourself?
Financial education makes you independent, strong, self-confident and confident. All characteristics of today’s girls and women.

Money isn’t everything, that’s an objection. But money has power. Above all, it also has power to change the world for the better. That is why it is so important that everyone who wants to change it for the better also has money.

Talk to your parents, nieces, aunts, uncles and teachers about money, loans, stocks and investments. We’ll help and answer questions!

We are available live to all girls and interested parties on #Weltmädchentag. On Friday October 9th at 5 p.m. we will get you FINANZ fit! With Simone Bußmann / Vermögensberatung and Dagmar Frank W-T-W Women and Finance / Founder

Woman are still underrepresented in the financial world. With only around 14% women, the financial sector in Germany is one of them. In Germany only 12% of the shareholders are female !!!! A good reason to get more young girls interested in investment and finance.

W-T-W Women and Finance – Weltmädchentag 2020 offers a cross-section of the individual financial topics: investment, stock market, economy, banking, paying with the mobile phone, overdraft facility and credit traps, practical examples. Stock market, gambling or investing? How does the stock exchange work, Starbucks, McDonalds, Adidas and Co, What are stocks? Stock trading, business, trading on the phone.

Cartoon: Isabell Hemming /