Federal Intelligence Service Presents Its Annual Report

«Security Switzerland 2019»: Federal Intelligence Service presents its annual report.

The security environment is becoming increasingly fragmented and complex. The Federal Intelligence Service’s (FIS) anticipation and detection capabilities play a leading role in identifying and assessing threats in good time, thus ensuring that the required preventive measures are taken. Published in a new, simplified form, the FIS annual report presents the most important developments in the intelligence scene over the past year.

The crisis situations in Europe that the FIS has highlighted in its annual reports for several years now are characterised by the marked increase in non-State actors and the opportunities offered by hybrid warfare. The return of power politics, sometimes with pronounced unilateral features, increased tensions between western states and Russia, and political and economic challenges in European countries form part of a constantly changing picture. The old order is changing under pressure from new forces that are not only political, economic and military in nature, but also technological, social and cultural. It is not clear where this change is leading us. In this world of insecurity and growing uncertainty, the FIS makes a vital contribution: the overall picture compiled from intelligence findings is an essential element in the decision-making process for security policy makers……Admin.ch/gov/en

Increasing rivalry between the major powers.
Terrorism remains a threat despite the collapse of the Caliphate
The far-right on the rise
