Entrepreneur Alert: Elizabeth Warren’s Boosts

Senator Elizabeth Warren told an audience of Worcester entrepreneurs  that they are the future of the United States and more must be done to promote small business start-ups when policies are being pass down from Washington, D.C.

In Worcester, Warren visited the robotics technology incubator Technocopia and its Prescott Street neighbor, the co-working space Running Start.

“There are a lot of opportunities if you are already big to get bigger,” Warren said. “But, where the real innovation in this country comes from is the folks who have a good idea, but they have to start right down at the base. You’re creating that here.

Warren said much of the country’s current woes date back to 1980 and the start of trickle-down economics. Those policies have favored large corporations, and created an atmosphere where college graduates are buried in so much debt that they cannot afford to start small businesses, she said.

Kevin Harrington, of Technocopia, asked about the possibility for a small business deferment on student loans.

For her part, Warren said it was a good idea that needs to be considered among many others to help promote start-ups.

The visit to Worcester incubators highlights Worcester’s recent successes.

Making Trickle Up Economics Work