Engaging Men in 50/50

The Women in Management group was originally created to spearhead initiatives specifically dedicated to the empowerment of GSB women. However, Jenn Wilcox Thomas and Wendy Wen, current co-presidents of WIM, believed the organization was missing a critical voice in its membership. Where were the men in their conversations? The two women shared a core philosophical belief that WIM needed to tap men as partners in advancing gender equity. Barnes too, shared this vision. As a son of two high-powered corporate executives (his mother is Brenda Barnes, former President and CEO of Pepsi-Cola North America), it was perfectly natural to him that women would be in positions of top leadership and that men would be their equal partners at home and in the workplace. For Barnes to collaborate with the WIM co-presidents seemed inevitable.

However, forming the partnership had its own challenges. Even after Barnes began paying membership dues to WIM, he felt like a “due-paying, non-member.” “They weren’t really sure what to do with me,” he recalls. Barnes remained undeterred. Eventually, someone handed him the WIM leadership application, so he applied to be on their board. Wen and Wilcox Thomas jumped on the opportunity to engage men in their initiatives. And with that, WIMmen was founded.

1.  Listen. Learn facts.  Listen to other’s stories.

2.  Recognize bias and don’t call people out.

3.  Expect to say “the wrong thing.”

4. Create small groups in safe places.

5.  Invite male superiors.

6.  Build on call support group.

7.  Invite across generations.

8. Commit to one act.

 Men and Women's Groups



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