Elizabeth Warren Ruffles Feathers in the Senate

California has two women senators.  But California is fringe US.  The electorate has no problems backing strong women.  This is not true across the country, where attitudes toward women in power vary markedly.  Mrs. Clinton found this out as first lady.  When she arrived in the Senate, she meekly served her colleagues coffee.  Clinton and Warren are an interesting comparison.  Both are passionate advocates, but Warren seems more measured in her thinking and her talking. She is much less knee jerk liberal than an intelligent woman who is willing to look matters square in the face and say what she thinks.  How this will succeed as an m.o. remains to be seen.  James Webb, who served in the Senate for only one term, had much of the same tone.  He appears to have quickly tired of being different from his colleagues.  Will Warren? Or will she move on to higher roles?  She said in questioning recently in the Senate that she did not have to run a restaurant to do the math.  She can add and subtract and knows the importance of finance  Elizabeth Warren ruffling feathers early in clubby Senate

Eliabeth Warren Ruffles Feathers

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