Do Women in Finance and Women in Politics Go Hand in Hand

Women candidates kicked ass in the recent US elections. From hog castrator, National Guard lieutenant colonel, and former Hardee’s biscuit-maker Joni Ernst’s rout of Bruce Braley in Iowa, to that funny thing that happened in Utah, where Mia Love, the Mormon daughter of Haitian immigrants, became the first black Republican female elected to Congress.

Like women in business, women in politics may soon become routine and not noteworthy at all.  But there are differences specific to women in both finance and politics.  These are worth noting and do not often appear in resumes for the Miss America contest.

Katie Bennan writes:  1.  Women wait to be asked.  2.  Women tend to be civilzed and graceful (think Elizabeth Warren).  3.  Women are cautious.  4.  Women are more interested in doing the job than getting it.  5.  Women have difficulty asking for money.  6.  Women try to play nice with others.  7.  Women have a better chance of winning when people know them better.

Women Politicians

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