Diamonds are Botswana’s Best Friend

In 1967 when Botswana became independent, a South Africa geologist discovered kimberlite in the country.  Kimberite is a volcanic rock that hosts diamonds.  Sure enough, Bostwana had the world’s larges supply.

In devleoping the business, Botswana has had a transparent government and turned great wealth into social gains.

In twenty to third years, the supply of diamonds will end, and Botswana is preparing for the future.  They have become a financial services hub for Africa.  And they have figured out how to keep diamonds central.  They have employees already trained in the businesses that surround diamonds:  cutting, setting, poishing and sales.

DeBeers is moving all their sales operations from London to Gabarone.  Major diamond sales take place every five weeks or so.  High end businesss people come from all over the world, and service businesses flourish.

Like Norway which is taking steps to prepare for the end of oil, Botswana is preparing for a time when diamonds can no longer be mined.

Sorting Diamonds

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