Communiqué Meeting of G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

In their joint communiqué, the G20 ministers (whose ranks include ministers from four EU member states – France, Germany, the UK and Italy) “urge all jurisdictions to move towards exchanging information automatically” between tax administrations.

“Financial Inclusion.

16. We welcome the launch of the Financial Inclusion Support Framework. We welcome the upcoming Seminar on “Women and Finance” and the launch of the Women’s Finance Hub hosted by the SME Finance Forum, which will provide best practices and knowledge sharing. We call on the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion to report on the gaps and challenges in the global environment for SME finance, as well as potential policy responses, by our July meeting. We welcome the Financial Action Task Force’s revised Guidance on Financial Inclusion as an important step in helping to create an enabling regulatory environment for innovative financial inclusion”. ..
G20 Communique_19.4.13

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