Claudio Munoz

small-Illustrator on the lineClaudio Munoz (1947–), illustrator and 1997 winner of the French Prix du Livre de la Mer for The Little Captain (1995), which he both wrote and illustrated. A native of Chile and now a resident of the UK, Munoz studied architecture but left to pursue a career in illustration. He publishes regularly in The Economist and illustrates picture books such as Night Walk (UK2002, V&A/WHSmith award 2003), by partner Jill Newsome, and Tia Isa Wants a Car (US2011), by Meg Medina. Munoz is admired internationally for the versatility of his illustrations, which complement a range of widely disparate texts. He blogs at Seven Impossible Things.  If you are interested in buying cartoons or drawings from Claudio Munoz,  Contact Us.


W-T-W Congratulates the Winners of the Cartoon of the Month August 2015

Cartoon of the Month August 2015

W-T-W Congratulates the Winners of the Cartoon of the Month February 2015

Cartoon of the Month February 2015

W-T-W Congratulates the Winners of the Cartoon of the Month April 2014

 Online shopping800-600e grocery

Dilma Roussef trying to drive Brazil out of trouble with not much help from her politicians800-600-Americas
A very determined shareholder800-600-LBlock

An easy going Newzealand police woman with drug addict kiwi
800-600-LBlock 10_8_13

Published: China plant grosse FinanzreformenPanda Draft2
Book illustrations:
Night Walk (UK2002, V&A/WHSmith award 2003), by partner Jill Newsome

Night Walk

Tia Isa Wants a Car (US2011), by Meg MedinaTia Isa wants a car


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