Chinese Tax Haven Clients

The International Center for Investigative Journalism Reporting:  The ICIJ is back in the spotlight once again, this time revealing “nearly 22,000 tax haven clients from Hong Kong and mainland China. Among them are some of China’s most powerful men and women — including at least 15 of China’s richest, members of the National People’s Congress and executives from state-owned companies entangled in corruption scandals.”  The source of this treasure trove of data is secret.  All ICIJ says on the matter is that “In November, a mainland Chinese news organization that was working with ICIJ to analyze the offshore data withdrew from the reporting partnership, explaining that authorities had warned it not to publish anything about the material. ICIJ is keeping the identity of the news outlet confidential to protect journalists from government retaliation.” But where the data comes from is largely irrelevant.  China’s Tax Haven Clients  

Red Nobility

 China's Elite Part II

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