Catherine Austin Fitts’ Book on Dillon Read

Fitts writes:  We are so financially entangled in the federal government and large corporations and banks that we cannot see our complicity in everything we say we abhor. Our social networks are so interwoven with the institutional leadership — government officials, bankers, lawyers, professors, foundation heads, corporate executives, investors, fellow alumni — that we dare not hold our own families, friends, colleagues and neighbors accountable for our very real financial and operational complicity. While we hate “the system,” we keep honoring and supporting the people and institutions that are implementing the system when we interact and transact with them in our day-to-day lives. Enjoying the financial benefits and other perks that come from that intimate support ensures our continued complicity and contribution to fueling that which we say we hate.

This important book is not available on Amazon, Abe Books or the New York Public LIbrary.  Online Book

Catherine Austin Fitts

1 thought on “Catherine Austin Fitts’ Book on Dillon Read

  1. This is so true and the poorest are the most used by banks and less acting part on decisions ¨government officials, bankers, lawyers, professors, foundation heads, corporate executives, investors, fellow alumni — that we dare not hold our own families, friends, colleagues and neighbors accountable for our very real financial and operational complicity¨

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