Carless in New York?

Roads are the arteries of the nation, and the automobile has been the centerpiece of American culture for decades. Despite Americans’ love for their cars, however, the rush hours are no more pleasant, and not everyone wants or can afford a car. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 9.1% of American households did not own a car in 2013. According to a review of carless households in American cities, residents in some urban areas are far less likely to own a vehicle. In New York City, 54.4% of households did not have a car, the highest percentage nationwide. Based on the percent of households who did not own a vehicle in 2013.

Curitiba in Brazil with a population of about 2 million instituted a bus system where buses ran every thirty seconds, you bought your pass in an attached shelter and exited from the other end of it.  Cited by ubran planners throoughout the world, Curitiba is one answer to getting rid of cars.

Curitiba, can buses replace cars?

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