Big Data Means Big Business

Latest since Edward Snowden we know we have to protect our data.

Big Data could mean big business also for retailers.

Christian Baumann reports: Today’s retailers know their customer better than ever before.  They understand who they are, what they buy, when they buy, how they like to pay, and what they think of a product or brand. Every customer visit and touch point, be it in the store, online or on a mobile device, produces a stream of data for the retailers to explore.

Big data analytics has become a vital tool in all aspects of the retail sector and offers incredible customer insight and understanding for retailers to explore in order to make their business more transparent and commercially successful…Globalbankingandfinance
YouTube is improperly collecting children’s data, consumer groups say
Beyond Facebook: It’s High Time for Stronger Privacy Laws

Data protection in the EU

Fundamental rights data-protection- EU
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights stipulates that EU citizens have the right to protection of their personal data.

Rodrigo de Matos