Big Car Market Untapped in India

Kettan Takkar writes: India deserves a much larger car market and the country’s automobile manufactueres must introspect why so few cars are sold here compared to China,Ratan Tata, chairman emeritus of Tata Sons has said.

“Indian car market doesn’t deserve to be 3 million. We need to ask ourselves have we made cars too expensive for consumers to own. Have we focused on a low-scale, high-margin business,” Tata told an audience at a function organised by Frost and Sullivan, a consultancy. The audience was predominantly from the automobile industry.

Tata was speaking at the Frost & Sullivan Growth and Innovation Leadership (GIL) 2014 Summit. He received the GIL Visionary Leadership Award and entered the GIL Community’s Hall of Fame joining an elite roster including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Sir Richard Branson, Mitchell Baker, Jack Andraka, Marc Benioff, Steve Woods, and Judy Estrin, among others.

Cars for India

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