Be Prepared: The Girl Scout Model Encorporates Entrepreneurship

Today’s Girl Scouts of the USA isn’t all campfires and cookies. Recently the organization has invested in social entrepreneurship programs, STEM subjects and project-based learning.  Girls as young as 9 can earn badges in customer insights, financial literacy and product degin.

The Girl Scouts hopes to reshape the female landscape for an entire generation, so male and female leaders finally find equal footing.

But we rarely get a peek inside this national movement, to see whether these teachings are really preparing young American girls for future success.

Are we pushing kids into the board room too soon?

Child entrepreneurship is such a recent phenomenon that experts say there are few reports that assess their impact.  Teaching entrepreneurship and cultivating leadership skills in children is not a bad thing.  It’s up to individual troops balance boardroom with traditional fun, like camping, volunteering and crafts.

The entrepreneurial child is the child who is flexible, who can find more than one solution to a problem.  Adaptive thinking is especially important in a world where so many things are changing so quickly.

A lesson to us all.

Girl Scout

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