Automatic Enrollment in Savings Plans?

Monkeys and humans save at the same rate.  I.e., they don’t.  So it has been suggested that enrollment in companies’ 401K plans be automatic.  (You can elect out).

Approximately 30 percent of eligible workers do not participate in their employer’s 401(k)-type plan. Studies suggest that automatic enrollment plans could reduce this rate to less than 15 percent, significantly increasing retirement savings. Whether you already have a 401(k) plan or are considering starting one, automatic enrollment 401(k) plans offer many advantages.

An automatic enrollment 401(k) plan:

  • Helps attract and keep talented employees.
  • Increases plan participation among both rank-and-file employees and owners/managers.
  • Allows for salary deferrals into certain plan investments if employees do not select their own investments.
  • Simplifies selection of investments appropriate for long-term retirement savings for participants.
  • Helps employees begin saving for their future.
  • Offers significant tax advantages (including deduction of employer contributions and deferred taxation on contributions and earnings until distribution).                  Savings

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